Diversity Series: What is Inclusion?

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Diversity Series: What is Inclusion?

What is the definition of inclusion?

Despite the strides being made towards diversity, many organisations have failed to recognise and represent all members of their community. The consequences of this disregard is a sense that these marginalized individuals are unrecognised and overlooked – something now urgently needing to be addressed so they can experience full inclusion in our society.

Inclusion and diversity are two key components of a successful environment. The importance of understanding the differences between these concepts is essential in order to foster an atmosphere where everyone can thrive. In this article, we’ll explore what inclusion looks like when implemented into different environments – from offices to classrooms and beyond!

Let’s explore how we can create a more inclusive world by supporting diversity initiatives in our daily lives. We’ll uncover new ways to foster acceptance and belonging for those who feel undervalued or left out.

What does it mean to practice inclusion?

Including everyone into the same environment.

Inclusion is a powerful tool to bring together individuals of all backgrounds and create an environment that celebrates diversity. It opens the door for conversations, understanding, and appreciation; ultimately creating stronger communities through empathy and acceptance.

Companies may tout their inclusion initiatives, but it is often the most underrepresented and discriminated against who see where true progress falls short. These groups can provide valuable insight on how a business must readjust its approach to ensure authentic diversity and inclusion efforts in practice.

Contrasting Diversity and Inclusion

While both diversity and inclusion are fundamental components of any organisation, they achieve different goals. Whereas diversifying a workplace is aimed at increasing representation amongst staff members, initiatives around inclusivity strive to create an environment that embeds acceptance towards all individuals regardless of their backgrounds or differences.

How Inclusion is Demonstrated Across Different Settings

Exploring effective strategies to foster an atmosphere of diversity and inclusion in the workplace, schools, and beyond – let’s dive into how we can best practice inclusive behaviour!

Creating a Diverse and Inclusive Work Environment

Businesses that prioritise inclusivity as a core value can benefit from greater diversity and better workplace collaboration. By investing in inclusion, organisations create more inviting atmospheres for all employees to contribute meaningfully towards success.

At its core, Inclusion is about creating a workplace where all individuals feel comfortable to express who they truly are without fear of prejudice or judgement. When everyone can be themselves and draw on their unique perspectives, we create an environment that encourages collaboration and productive dialogue across differences.

Achieving inclusion often requires a substantial investment to be realised.

Ways to Make the Workplace More Inclusive

Having a workplace that ensures inclusion may involve:

  • Building relationships with the community
  • Training to fight against prejudice.
  • Universal Design creates an inclusive environment for everyone by crafting products and spaces with accessibility in mind. No matter your ability, Universal Design ensures that all can benefit from the same user-experience.

Fostering Inclusivity in Education

English language teaching is increasingly recognising the importance of inclusion as a modern educational strategy, but pushing for further progress may require beyond simple changes.

With the traditional school system built around catered ideals of heterosexuality and able-bodiedness, it is essential to be aware of how this framework can neglect or even exclude other communities. It’s vital that we evaluate current learning systems for inclusivity so all students are supported and represented with fairness.

Examples of Making Education Inclusive

When striving to promote inclusion in education, this may refer to:

  • Different types of learning methods
  • You can take assessments multiple times.
  • Books that feature diverse characters from different backgrounds, abilities, etc.

The Importance of Organisational Inclusion


2020 saw a book offering much-needed insight into the impact of institutional bias on disparities between individuals, entities and nations. This work addressed systemic issues such as white supremacy, sexism, settler colonialism and homophobia to illustrate their influence in maintaining inequality through various forms of injustice.

Organisations must re-evaluate how they communicate in order to foster an atmosphere of inclusion and remove the barriers that traditional norms have created.

To promote constructive dialogue, authors urge us to become aware of and take action against the invisible social structures that perpetuate inequality.

Is Digital Technology Limiting Elderly Inclusion?

Seniors are quickly adapting to digital technology, bringing both its benefits and potential drawbacks. A study published in 2015 provided insight into this modern shift of the elderly population.

As we age, staying connected to the changing technology around us is essential for our continued participation in society. Group support ensures everyone is included and empowered as technological advances make their mark on culture at large.

People With Disabilities Should Be Included

Despite the progress made in recent years to foster a more equitable workplace, individuals with disabilities are still rather absent from many corporate environments. However, 2020 saw promising developments when it came to closing this equity gap through initiatives such as “diversity and inclusion statements” or meaningful employee resource groups. Evidence suggests that by implementing these policies – along with supplier diversity initiatives and targeted hiring recruitment plans – we can begin taking strides towards making our workplaces truly inclusive for all employees regardless of ability.

Organisations can be proactive in creating a more diverse workplace by utilising evidence-based practices to include people with disabilities. Such an approach allows for the development of a vibrant and dynamic team that is built on respect, understanding and collaboration.

People with disabilities have suffered from discrimination in all aspects of life for too long.

To promote inclusivity, organisations should take guidance from BIPOC disability justice activists.

To create a truly accessible and inclusive workspace, organisations must go beyond mere lip service – tangible effort and resources are necessary for genuine impact.

Recognising the Importance of Inclusion

Understanding the disparities between disadvantaged groups and their place in society can be a daunting task. However, having an awareness of this is necessary for progress to happen. Empower yourself with knowledge that will foster positive social change!

While difficult, fostering inclusion is an invaluable effort. It may take time to undo the harm done by a lack of diversity and acceptance; however, with dedication and intentionality great change can be achieved.

Participation in all areas of life.

Organisations have been advised to take an active role in fostering true inclusion by asking questions that enable meaningful discourse with BIPOC and LGBTQPIA+ communities, who were previously excluded from such conversations. By doing so, progress can be made towards the goal of greater equity among all individuals within our society.

Successful diversity initiatives are only achievable when they have the unwavering support of leadership across all levels in an organisation. Upholding these principles requires strong commitment from top-level executives to ensure that everyone is included and their voices heard.

Organisation leaders may not be familiar with the challenges of underrepresented groups, but their insight is invaluable in advancing diversity initiatives. To foster meaningful progress and a more inclusive environment, organisations should take proactive steps to listen to those who’ve experienced such discrimination firsthand.

Including and Actively Listening to Voices from Underrepresented Communities

Many people are unaware of the unjust systems that give them an advantage while disadvantaging minority groups such as BIPOC, LGBTQIAP+, disabled, and undocumented individuals. Even those with privilege may not realise how mandated structures often work against these communities instead of aiding them in achieving equity and justice.

In order for true inclusivity to take root, those who have assumed positions of power must comprehend the discrepancies that currently exist. It is thus incumbent upon them to create equitable policies and listen attentively when minorities provide feedback on their efforts. If this guidance goes unheeded, it can lead to further marginalisation—rendering the goal of inclusion increasingly elusive.

Inclusive initiatives should always be pursued, no matter the potential obstacles. To ensure successful implementation, it’s essential to uphold accountability and provide necessary guidance along each step of the way.

Focusing on the superficiality of progress rather than creating meaningful inclusivity is a common shortcoming. Let’s strive to ensure all our efforts truly foster an environment where everyone feels included, heard and respected.

Despite our best attempts to promote inclusion, there are still those who cling to their own privilege – an understandable yet disappointing reality. But don’t let discouragement obstruct your mission: You can remain committed and maintain focus on fairness for all.

Actions to Take for Encouraging Inclusion

Here are some ways to support diversity and inclusion in your daily life:

  • To ensure everyone feels included, consider what marginalized groups may need to feel comfortable in a space and strive to create an atmosphere of acceptance.
  • Identifying and overcoming any potential hindrances to people’s ability to engage in leadership roles is essential for moving forward when the time comes.
  • Take the time to reflect on your privilege and platform, then use it as an opportunity to elevate unheard voices that have been silenced for too long.


Gain a deeper comprehension of the importance and scope of inclusion through this informative overview. Delve into why it is necessary for organisations in today’s increasingly diverse landscape to embrace an inclusive workplace culture.

Social equity can start with small steps. Every day, we all have the chance to support diversity and inclusion – it’s up to us what kind of world we want to create! Let’s make sure that everyone has access not only in words but also action: let our actions speak louder than just talk on this issue.

“Updated 16/1/2023”

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