Employers Technology Training

Employers Technology Training

Technology is transforming the corporate world, and those organisations that choose to embrace its potential can progress while others may fall behind. This Training Session gives your employees a competitive edge by teaching them how powerful technology can be for optimising speed, efficiency and professionalism in their missions; enabling you to seize market share from rivals and reap the rewards of digital advancement. Don’t miss out on this opportunity: start making strides with tech today!

Technology can be a powerful tool for businesses to boost their reach, productivity, and success. For those who embrace the advances of technology training, they will find themselves ahead of this ever-evolving era with more efficiency and confidence in their business practices. Those that are reluctant to make these changes risk being left behind – having to do things ‘the hard way’. This session is tailored towards conveying how utilising different tech resources can assist any business on its path forward!

Suggested Technology Objectives:

Learn how technology can advance your business. We provide case studies of organisations that have failed to embrace the tech world, whether it is in the media industry, retail or manufacturing. The lessons here help participants see the need for innovative products and technology within their workplace.

We work through the technology use of participants and look at ways of optimising their use and behaviour with these devices.

We provide insight into why Tech Departments may not understand the end user, and why also the end user may have difficultly in communicating with

We provide information on how software can assist in your business growth. With the advantage of providing business advice through many industries we are able to provide a broad range of software tools available to assist with increasing performance.

We talk about the IT budget. If this is a team training session we can customise or remove this if needed.

We talk about the law when it comes to emailing and business requirements for data collection. We also set some rules for security and privacy for your organisation if this is run as a team training session.

How does technology affect your health? Learn more about how to set up a healthy workplace.

This is an area we can develop if you wish the participants to have more information on using the system within the organisation.

Of course when it comes to technology in the workplace, we have to differentiate a policy for home/workplace use.

Learn more about telecommuting and its benefits. If telecommuting is not available in your workplace we can remove this module.

If telecommuting is available to you in your workplace we can discuss more on how to make it work and be more effective for increased performance.

How to deal with workplace issues arising from the use of technology Eg: Text messaging at work etc

Look at improving technological issues within your organisation.

Training on the best way to use devices for users and professionals
Taking advantage of online collaboration
How can introducing inclusive technologies into work and training practices raise productivity?
Can inclusive technologies assist trainees and these workers?
What inclusive at what overall cost and technologies are accessible?
Coordination across services
Coordination in choice and the evaluation
Information on emerging technology and available
Consistent execution and deployment across industries
What are the price and considerations?
Acknowledgement and status of technologies that are inclusive
Financing of technology options that are inclusive
How does business benefit if inclusive technologies implemented are identified and encouraged?
Reports on emerging technologies and workplace trends
How can a work training institute or work place institute these technologies and what is the procedure?
Using on-line communication

Start training right

Start training staff before they start utilising the applications. And, attempt to train everyone at once to save on training costs.
Hardware and software replacement.What will the price be later on? Will we need training? How much will that cost in time and cash?
Remember that technology does not have to be used for everything. A day timer, while others merely user, for example, some beauty salons use computers to book appointments. Everything depends on what your needs are and what your budget is.
Similar to buying applications, you will wish to do a needs assessment. What do employees want to learn about? What do they need to learn about?

What’s helpful?

Lead by example. Use the devices that you are comfortable with and be amenable to new thoughts.
Worker’s duties and their systems (i.e. keep antivirus software up to date, do not open strange attachments, have strong passwords)
Have a library of computer publications that employees can take out and read.
Have a staff meeting where everyone brings/shows their favorite gadget (not necessarily work related).
If a library is not possible, offer a list of Web sites that are free that employees can go to for help.
Offer employees options, such as a public computer in the break room or coupons to local Internet cafe.
Encourage staff to keep on learning after training is over.
Computers can be the most difficult to handle and are the biggest facet of technology.

Talk to employees about technology.

Let us say your bookkeeper positively will not use the accounting program you purchased. Speak to him and learn why this is. Perhaps the employee just is not comfortable with the application, perhaps they are scared, or maybe they want training.
Make sure everyone understands why and what isn’t–and what is acceptable.
Creating and Updating operations guides
Develop and Implement a system usage policy
In this sort of environment, the employer’s control over individual machines is restricted.
Establish and obligations for security and safety
Applications controlling Internet access could be installed on each individual computer.
Worker has no expectation of privacy when using business systems (meaning instant messaging, Internet surfing e mail, and phone conversations can all really be tracked)

Address technological problems

If policy is not adhered to what the results will be
If programs can be set up on business systems and what procedure must be followed to do so
Will my business’s productivity enhance?
Staff time to learn new software applications or attend training classes
Make sure workers know where to get help.
Locate free webinars and encourage staff to attend.
System usage policies can be placed into place detailing what computer activity is acceptable and what’s not.
Control applications setup
Execute policies for dealing with company property

IT Issues?

Communicate with the IT section. Who to contact with system issues.
Have in-house experts that staff can go to. (Make sure this man can still do their job responsibilities.)
Do we want to use this software? What do you want to use technology for?
Set monthly upgrades to anti-virus software. Make the best software and training choices.
Make your workplace a technology-friendly place. Mistakes will occur and things will break. Treat injuries as accidents and learn from the experience.
Be sure staff can get the right training for the right software version.
Control users and what they have access to
Set Internet limitations (more on this in a moment)
Appropriate telephone usage (Are any personal calls permitted? Are long distance calls allowed?)

Make telecommuting work

Let workers know that each single thing they do can be monitored. This is one place where it’s OK to tell a little white lie! Clarify that these policies are for their security, also.
Let employees know where they can get training, whether it be in-house or at the local community college. Where you are able, offer incentives (such as paid time off or subsidized training) for workers to enhance their knowledge.
Have a staff meeting to compile a listing of the best ten ways technology can ruin your day. This may then behave as an off-the-cuff needs evaluation. (For instance, let us say that everyone concurs that waiting 10 minutes for their e-mail to open puts them in a poor mood. This can be a hint to you that systems may require an upgrade.)
Management program installation and Web site accessibility over a network if possible.
How many versions am I updating? (Keep in mind that the bigger the version leap, the bigger the learning curve.)
Software preventing the installation of programs (including Deep Freeze) can be set up on each individual computer.
Choose whether or not employees should telecommute
Set up an internal-only site or forum where everyone can air out on random topics… the weather, the current state of zebras, as well as the deplorable condition of orange juice nowadays. Simply make certain dialogue stays civil and posting is done on rests.

What do you use technology for?

Add cartoons, movies, sounds, schemes, voice overs, and effects to PowerPoint presentations. Only make sure that it doesn’t detract from the message.
What systems will likely be supplied to the employee (cell phones, PDAs, laptops, etc.) and what their obligations are with these systems?
What additional systems can be brought into the workplace (Some employers don’t let personal laptops or cell phones)
Have a suggestion box for employees to submit training tips, worries, or questions.

To go an extra step, try these strategies.

Involve employees in software purchases. For example, if you are purchasing a new accounting program, talk to your accounting section. They’ll be open to using the new software should they believe that they had a hand in the decision to purchase it.
Have your meeting external… it is possible with notebooks!
Policy could be revised at any time (also explain how workers will likely be notified)
Let employees know what they can do in their downtime: read books that are related, do training, or read related articles online.
If you’re a manager, it’s even more vital that you remain open minded.
Make sure employees have resources and sufficient training.
Control security policies (for example applications and operating system updates)
Make sure employees understand what’s asked of them and where the limits are. It may be useful to set up a computer usage policy and have everyone sign and read it.

Tailored For Your Technological Needs.

We offer in this training and much more Parramatta, Perth, Melbourne, Canberra, Darwin, Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide, Gold Coast.

If you have a specific need or area you wish for us to cover, we are able to create custom training sessions. Contact us today to discuss your training objectives and to learn how we may assist.

Employers Technology Training Outline

Course Introduction

At the beginning of our session we’ll engage in conversation to get to know each other and explore the knowledge that awaits us. We’ll also give everyone an opportunity to share their goals for this workshop.

Topics covered in this course

Creating a Technology Friendly Environment at Your Company

Lets kick off this session by discovering ways to ignite a spirit among our staff when it comes to utilising technology. We’ll brainstorm solutions. Put them into action through a real life case study pushing the boundaries of whats possible!

Mastering Computer Skills

During this session you will learn strategies for communication with tech support staff ensuring your message is understood and leading to successful outcomes. Gain insights on how to interact with IT experts so that everyone can swiftly return to their tasks!

Smart Software Selection

Choosing the software can sometimes be overwhelming. Fear not! This workshop will guide you through a three step process for making decisions. Through engaging case study exercises and helpful strategies you will feel confident, in selecting the solution!

Training from a Technical Perspective

Join us for an in depth exploration of the world of training. We’ll delve into methods offer tips for success and provide valuable insights that can enhance your current approach or inspire new strategies.

Managing IT Budgets

As managers it’s crucial to ensure that your department stays within its allocated budget while staying up to date with the technology. Join our session as we discuss steps to keep IT costs under control without compromising progress.

Navigating Security and Privacy

This session brings together participants to delve into the landscape of computer privacy and security in todays workplace. Through engaging group discussions we’ll exchange thoughts on how companies can safeguard information while respecting individual rights.

Balancing Uncontrolled and Controlled Networks

In an era where networks constantly evolve companies face the challenge of managing their infrastructure. Our session provides an overview on how organisations can optimize network traffic and establish access points without getting lost in technical complexities.

Prioritising Ergonomics in Technology Usage

While technology has undoubtedly made our lives more convenient it’s important to be aware of risks. This session sheds light on the importance of ergonomics. Preventing Repetitive Strain Injuries caused by technology use.
In this session we will discuss the precautions that both employees and employers should take to reduce the risk of strain injury (RSI) and minimise any financial burdens associated with this issue.

Establishing Usage Policies

Regardless of the organisations size it is crucial to have a policy, in place for system usage. We will explore the components that every policy should include and provide an example to help you get started. Lets delve into it and discover how you can ensure the utilisation of your resources!

Taking Care of Company Assets

During this activity we will delve into the art of tech etiquette, where we learn and apply norms to enhance our technology skills. We will cover principles such as demonstrating respect through active listening and thoughtful communication. To put these concepts into practice we’ll engage in role playing exercises.

Efficient Time Management Tools

In this session our focus will be, on optimising your time and efficiency by utilising email programs, contact management tools and scheduling software. Get ready to learn some tips so that you can make the most out of each day!

Telephone Etiquette

This session aims to explore how to effectively communicate using the power of your voice. Learn strategies, for leaving impactful voicemails and discover the essential etiquette for telephone communication.

Instant Messaging

Stay connected easily in todays world with messaging. We’ll explore etiquette for IM and decode used acronyms to keep up with the digital trends.

Discover the advantages of telecommuting as a form of employment.

We’ll discuss its suitability for individuals. Provide insights on necessary preparations before starting. Additionally a practical case study will be presented to give participants an understanding of work.

Workplace Rage

Explore ways to manage workplace anger caused by technology. This session focuses on handling temper flares and preventing outbursts that can arise due, to challenges.

Addressing issues. Finding solutions in a professional setting.

During this workshop supervisors, from backgrounds have gathered to learn how technology can enhance their workplaces. However, every journey has its challenges! We will explore strategies that simplify and streamline problem solving when faced with obstacles. Additionally it’s important not to overlook the opportunity for participants to share their stories and collaborate on innovative solutions.

A Checklist for Policies and Procedures

To wrap up the workshop we will examine policies and procedures that can ensure utilisation of technology. Lets explore how these ideas can optimize an organisation in one of its areas!

Wrapping up the Workshop

Towards the end of this learning experience participants will have the chance to address any remaining questions they may have and develop a plan, for implementing their knowledge.

Learning Outcomes

Customised Training Session For Teams (Included No Charge)

Our team is dedicated to providing tailor-made training sessions and materials, so that businesses can get the most out of their experience. We adjust our coursework for each individual business’s needs – from industry specific information to case studies, module selections, and images – all at no extra cost! Let us help you customise your workbook material today for a truly personalised learning journey.

In-House Customised training benefits:
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Creating Content (Contact us for Quotation)

Our Courseware professionals are the experts at creating custom courses tailored to your training needs – all with the added bonus of full ownership and rights going exclusively to you! Our team will quickly generate engaging materials like textbooks, educational games, or even a fully-developed session composed entirely around your specifications. Let us show you how we can help make sure any gaps in knowledge exist no more; contact us today for pricing information on courseware creation services!

Instructor Led 1 on 1 Workshop

Take control of your learning journey with one of our professional trainers. Our personalised scheduling ensures you can select any date and time that suits – no waiting required! Get ready to experience an engaging 4-6 hours online, via Zoom, as we help you reach your goals.

1 Hour Instructor Led Session

Zoom in with our top-notch trainers to learn the modules, courses and workplace skills you need. Get upskilled fast from wherever you are! It’s a 1 hour online learning experience that gives your downtime at work an extra edge of growth.

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