What Are Administrative Skills?

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What Are Administrative Skills?

Administrative Skills—Here’s What Everyone Needs to Know

As an executive assistant or office manager, you’ll be instrumental in running a successful business. Employers are looking for individuals who have key administrative skills to help their organisations stand out from the competition and maximise performance. These abilities can make all the difference when it comes to achieving success!

Administrative skills can be the difference between an applicant achieving their desired job and being left in the dust. They are integral for any professional to possess, yet some may not know how best to demonstrate them during a successful job search. Taking steps such as creating detailed lists of duties performed or learning relevant software programs will help prospective employers recognise your administrative proficiency.

What job would suit you best?

Why are administrative skills essential to success in the workplace?

Administrative skills are the very backbone of any successful business. Skilfully managing and organising work-related tasks is paramount for achieving job objectives; this includes such responsibilities as setting up conferences, sending emails, and overseeing supplies in an office environment. A career coach aptly describes these abilities as “the basic tools” necessary to perform one’s duties – making them indispensable assets within a professional context.

Having administrative abilities is key when it comes to roles that focus on admin, but those same skills are often used in less apparent ways across all occupations. It’s important to recognise the significance of broadening your outlook and taking stock of every task you complete – this allows for a greater appreciation for how being administratively astute influences even more than just job functions!

Adequate administrative skills are the backbone of any successful team or organisation. They lay out a structure that enables all members to perform their best and in turn, propel everyone towards success.

Examples of skills related to administration.

Administrators are a vital part of any team and have the needed abilities to navigate management duties with ease. Here’s an overview of some key skills that make them so successful, involving everything from organisational prowess to communication finesse.

Abilities to effectively communicate.

Good communication skills can be a powerful asset in any professional setting, from internal team collaboration to the sharing of important messages with external audiences. Being able to communicate effectively allows for efficient job performance and critical feedback exchange — two keys elements on the road to success! Communication encompasses many forms – both verbal and nonverbal; written and visual – making it an invaluable tool when trying.

These are some examples:

  • Having the capacity to provide and accept feedback.
  • Listening intently with the aim of understanding.
  • Handling incoming and outgoing calls.
  • Being aware of nonverbal communication.
  • Making phone calls to potential customers.
  • Selecting a communication method
  • Providing excellent customer service
  • Revising and checking for errors
  • Sending emails
  • Listening with empathy.
  • Recording information in notes.
  • Making a presentation
  • Convincing people to do something.
  • Composing.


Being organised is a useful skill.

Being organised is essential to making the most of physical, digital and mental space as well as your precious time. An administrative assistant must stay on top an array of tasks such as keeping track of office supplies, documents, messages or even arranging travel plans. Doing this effectively can help them complete their responsibilities quickly and efficiently.

Examples of administrative organisational skills include:

  • Concentration on details
  • Assigning meeting rooms
  • Digital filing and management
  • Coordinating events
  • Putting documents in order for storage or retrieval.
  • Issuing invoices
  • Organising the office.
  • Managing projects efficiently.
  • Processing reimbursements and expenses
  • Keeping track of supplies and materials in stock.
  • Managing one’s time effectively.
  • Organising, reserving, and preparing for a trip.

Developing the ability to manage your time effectively.

Effective time management is the cornerstone of high-performing teams and organisations. By mastering these skills, you can save yourself hours each day, ensuring that co-workers won’t be disrupted by poor planning or disorganisation. With advanced strategies like budgeting your minutes and respecting everyone’s schedules, everyone in an office benefits from having good time management abilities!

Examples of administrative time management skills include:

  • Managing one’s calendar.
  • Managing deadlines
  • Assigning tasks to other people.
  • Establishing objectives
  • Prior planning
  • Establishing priorities.
  • Developing a roadmap
  • Arranging a schedule.
  • Arranging a timetable
  • Managing tasks.
  • Estimating the amount of time required

Technical abilities

Technical skills are a must-have in our ever changing world, especially during the pandemic. Staff equipped with administrative technical proficiencies have an advantage to access data quickly and efficiently while leveraging tools of collaboration from anywhere – whether it be problem solving or simply connecting within teams. These capabilities allow staff to optimise performance and guarantee successful results for any type of task.

Some examples of technical administrative skills are:

  • Searching and updating a database
  • Sending emails
  • Examples of project management software
  • An accounting software.
  • Familiarity with office equipment (e.g. printers, scanners, and fax machines) is required.
  • Popular scheduling software
  • Keyboard typing
  • The process of producing written material on paper.

Finding Solutions to Problems

No matter your job, it’s expected to face unexpected obstacles. To navigate them successfully, problem-solving skills are an absolute must! Suppose you’re a corporate assistant and have just discovered that the boss won’t make their flight on time for critical meeting – now what? A successful solution requires analysing all options before making any decisions independently; however don’t be too proud to seek help when necessary.

  • The ability to adjust easily.
  • Evaluation
  • Paying close attention to details.
  • Generating ideas through collaboration.
  • Conflict management
  • The power of imagination.
  • Analysing data and making logical conclusions.
  • A thirst for knowledge.
  • Choosing a course of action
  • Predicting the future.
  • Judgement
  • Setting priorities
  • Gather data and information.
  • Allocating resources
  • Working together as a team.

Strategies to Enhance Your Administrative Abilities

Administrative skills can be improved, and here are a few suggestions to help you do that:

  • Analyse past work experiences and ask questions that help you identify where your professional skills can be strengthened. By scrutinising difficult tasks that have received negative reactions, outlining areas of inadequate performance, and getting feedback from an outside source – it’s possible to uncover vulnerabilies within your own abilities.
  • If you need to learn more about a specific expertise, reach out for help. Consider calling on someone from your network or personal life who already excels in that area and ask if they would be willing to provide guidance. Make sure the request is explicitly clear; such as wanting them to review some emails composed or finding out how best things are organised? A precise question can go a long way towards receiving an informative response!
  • Unlock the power of online resources to maximise your administrative know-how. Customize tutorials from top industry professionals tailored to any technology you need help mastering for maximum results.
  • Developing skill and expertise requires implementation. Consider creative ways to get the most out of your abilities – such as engaging friends in meaningful conversations or experimenting with time management approaches on weekends. Challenging yourself this way helps grow capabilities while maintaining a low-risk setting!

Demonstrating Administrative Abilities during the Job Search

When you’re in the pursuit of job opportunities, having a strong foundation of administrative skills can make all the difference. This article offers an effective way to demonstrate those abilities and stand out from other competitors.

1. Select the Appropriate Skills to Showcase

Maximise the impact of your resume by honing in on administrative capabilities mentioned in job postings. Spend less time following generic guidelines and more time customizing relevant skills to what recruiters are looking for – this will ensure you stand out from applicants who just list basic qualifications without understanding target requirements.

2. Incorporate these qualifications into your resume and cover letter.

Employers value tangible results over skills alone. To stand out as an applicant, demonstrating how your administrative experience has positively impacted previous employers is key: Create succinct bullet points in the resume describing how you managed time or money efficiently and successfully accomplished goals; while broadening this scope to demonstrate unique abilities like devising new systems/processes or solving pressing problems will be beneficial for a cover letter application. List any additional hard skills that highlight your qualifications within the Skills section of your resume – emphasizing those applicable accomplishments can help to make sure potential managers recognise their importance when reviewing applications.

3. Always show evidence to support your points.

While navigating the hiring process, be sure to exemplify your administrative competencies. Be thorough when submitting applications and craft professional emails/phone conversations. Additionally, it’s imperative to gain a familiarity with any tools that you may need during virtual interviews so as not miss an opportunity to impress potential employers by exhibiting firsthand knowledge of job-related tasks!

“Updated 7/1/2023”

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