Creating Positive Workplaces

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Creating Positive Workplaces

Creating a positive workplace is not an easy task. It goes way beyond just a physical space of a workplace. It’s also about office culture and leadership. This can have a big impact are the attitudes that employees project towards their job, co-workers, performance and productivity. This tells experts a lot about how employees feel about their work and if they are satisfied with their work environment. The happier the workers are, the more productive they become, which then lowers turnover and is great for everyone.

Positive work culture

Every workplace culture is unique, but some have common qualities that promote positivity. Things like opportunities for growth, open communication channels and clear sense of purpose for all employees. The point of this is making sure your staff feels supported and actually enjoys going to work which makes them feel engaged, valued and empowered. It’s important to know that this will do wonders for each individual employee, especially having a sense of belonging when employees feel like they’re part of something big, and that their efforts are valued, they’re more motivated to perform and invest in their work.

Benefits of positive workplace

There are multiple benefits for creating a positive workplace. Lets look at some of them below:

1. Increased profits.

Companies who prioritise a positive workplace may enjoy higher revenue because workers are likely to enjoy what they do and be more productive.

2. Reduced sick leave.

When employees are happy in their work, they tend to become healthier to no stress. No worries and less pressure can greatly affect their mental emotional and physical health service, which will reduce numbers on people who take sick leaves. If absenteeism is an issue at your workplace, look at the culture from within.

3. Improves creativity.

When employees feel like they are being supported and valued. They tend to be more excited to participate in the work related activities like meetings, seminars and trainings. With this, they are more confident in sharing their thoughts and creative ideas to help contribute for the benefit of the company. These types of businesses attract talent also, so recruitment becomes a lot easier.

Creating a positive workplace

There are several ways you can help in creating a positive workplace. We have listed a few below:

1. Prioritise onboarding process

When new employees join a company, they need to learn the ways the ins and outs the culture, values and expectations within the workplace. Here is where onboarding comes in. This can make a good impression on new employees to see how well they fit and how they can become more productive. Companies who really focus on the betterment of their employees usually go all out and dedicate the first week or even take a month to process this to make sure they are included and valued. The goal is to welcome these new people and give them the tools and resources that they need to be greater in their roles.

This also shows how you care about their well-being and are invested in their growth, which goes a long way of making a supportive outlet for employees to lean on. In the onboarding process, you can ask new hires to attend meetings, Job Shadow co-workers and meet with managers. Review company codes of conduct or safety procedures and values. Complete and process the necessary onboarding paperwork to make it easier for new employees.

2. Foster engagement

Work can get pretty stressful and overwhelming. It is important to take breaks and have fun once in a while. Companies who take initiative and making a positive work culture usually plans events for their staff to enjoy things like your and parties, holiday parties, contests or giving out free concert tickets which employees can get when reaching a target. This fosters employee engagement and get a chance to socialize with each other. No matter what role. Who’s seeing these kinds of events give employees a chance to be themselves outside of work and show their personalities and blow off some steam. In result, this boosts company morale, and increases job satisfaction. 

3. Recognise hard hard work.

It should be a priority for leaders to who their employees that you appreciate hard work and that you pay attention to what they accomplish. See this encourages and inspires them to do more. You can show appreciation by personally talking to them the appreciation notes or even in stuff hellos. It’s a simple yet effective way of making them feel that  you appreciate them.

4. Quality tools and equipment.

It’s ideal to make work easy and enjoyable as possible for employees who feel less stressed and burnt out by providing them with quality tools and equipment. Not only does it make the job easier, but it makes your staff more effective and comfortable handling day to day tasks. 

5. Trust your team.

People act the way they are treated. If you show trust within your team and assume that they are responsible enough to be competent, there won’t be any need for micromanaging. Treat them how you would want to be treated by your hire managers. If you think of them as children, this can undoubtedly cause a great impact on their performance. 

Give them the freedom to make their own decisions and ways to complete the task. What matters is that they finish it with quality, not by how they do it, which makes them feel empowered. Here are things you can do:

  • Assume that your team wants the best for the project. But if you sense something negative within your team, invite them for a discussion about the office policy and see what the majority thinks. See if you can get the majority supportive on the project.
  • Anticipating roadblocks and communicate those issues to the group suggesting when and if meetings should happen to work through them.
  • Supportive leaders. Leaders who listen to their team and willing to help are those that greatly influence and create a positive workplace. This is not just about addressing concerns, but also see opportunities for growth and improvement. Taking the time to invest in your staff is a great way to show you care.
  • By being open minded to suggestions and feedback all of you can work together and make meaningful changes that will benefit everyone involved. These examples of simple actions are effective in promoting positivity into the work atmosphere.
  • Providing job related advice, sourcing and allocating acquired resources, facilitating teamwork and providing mentorship is vital as a great leader. When you work in a place that encourages you,  it can make a huge difference in your outlook in life, and overall happiness. You may find you have a healthy work-life balance too.
  • It’s not enough to just implement policies into your workplace. You have to stick with creating the positivity. This means you have to make sure everyone is on board and following through. When you work as a whole your staff will be more than willing to participate and engage which makes a positive work culture. Teamwork and collaboration is key to a successful and positive workplace.
There are many more ways you can increase performance within your organisation and improve the workplace culture. For more information or for a tailored training session to suit your company needs, contact one of our team members. We are here to help.

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