Telemarketing Training

Telemarketing Training

Telemarketing is a great way to make your mark, and the right training can ensure success. With this special telemarketing course, you’ll learn crucial techniques for creating rapport in an instant, engaging clients’ interest with key points of conversation closure—all while helping create a “YES” mentality among those using telephone communication within their professions. So if looking to bolster team morale through interactive learning activities that deliver professional growth from day one: look no further than our advanced Telemarketing Training session!

Taking your sales skills to the phone can be a daunting task. This training session will empower employees with confidence and show them how to use the telephone as an effective tool for generating leads, building trust & loyalty with both new and existing customers. Learn all of this in one simple call!

With the success of any business being heavily dependent on employee motivation and productivity, it’s important for managers to stay focused on achieving sales targets. To help increase leads over-the-phone, training staff in valuable selling techniques as well as closing skills and objection handling tools is essential. Even dealing with difficult customers can be made easier when you have these strategies at your disposal!

Telemarketing Training Outcomes:

Without a physical face to face presence, building respect and trust at times can be difficult. Build trust and respect easy with Psychological techniques. Our trainer develops the use of deeper interpersonal skills and how they can create trust and respect over the phone.

Cold calling can be difficult if you are fearful of the responses. Our trainer provides some quick and easy techniques to have you thinking more positively towards the role and also warming up those cold calls sooner.

First impressions last. Make a positive impression fast. Vital for cold calling and roles where you need to get the customer on side quickly. Learn how to be a super communicator and connect with people almost immediately.

Having your call transferred to the decision maker is a fantastic feeling. Are you getting shut down on the phone and your call is not reaching the desired person? Our trainer will demonstrate with different examples how a call will get shut down and how to become more effective in getting through to the decision maker.

Your script can make all the difference to your results. Optimizing your script will put you into the category of high performing call operators. Our training professional will assist you with perfecting your script for optimum results.

Becoming adaptable on the phone is an important attribute also. Our trainer will provide more assistance and information on how to gain more time, control and ability over the phone. Create more interest, handle objections with specific techniques and close the sale or call effectively with closing techniques.

Building Trust and Respect

Next, participants will discuss ways to develop trust and respect.

This session will continue the discussion on esteem and trust using the Johari window.

Now that participants have some essential tools, they will develop a script that can be used for any sales call.

We don’t believe in a call that is canned, but we do believe in a planned call. This session will clarify the difference between those types.

Next, participants will discuss some ways to make the most of voice mail. Participants will identify methods to avoid missed opportunities by following up and monitoring their calls.

This session will explore what the status quo means for participants and for their customers.

Participants will talk about some words of wisdom from Earl Nightingale.

During this session, participants will develop their listening and questioning skills.

This session will give participants some methods close the sale and to ask for.

Tailored Telemarketing Courses

Selling on the phone is different from the standard face to face meetings. Your team will require a particular skill set to be more successful. As you may have unique challenges for your team, we can customise the material to suit your telemarketing needs. Training options available Australia wide in Perth, Brisbane, Melbourne, Canberra, Darwin, Adelaide, Sydney, Parramatta, Geelong, and many more locations!

Telemarketing Training Outline

Course Overview

At the start of this course we’ll engage in a discussion, about the opportunities that lie ahead. During this conversation students will have the opportunity to express their goals and chart a path towards achieving them.

Topics covered in this course

Verbal Communication

Learn how to make every phone call successful by mastering the art of sales oriented communication. Explore what customers perceive when they contact your organisation and brainstorm ways to provide a service experience.

Delighting Customers

In this session we’ll delve into how the power of language can enhance sales skills by selecting words. Discover how you can go beyond simply making a sale and truly connect with your customers.

Exceptional Techniques for Telephone Sales

Discover effective strategies for transforming telephone conversations into sales opportunities! We’ll emphasize maintaining an enthusiastic attitude while establishing connections with potential customers. Additionally memory techniques for recalling names will help foster relationships that lead to successful sales outcomes.

Establishing Trust

Participants will explore methods, for building an respectful environment that encourages open dialogue. In this conversation we will discuss methods, for establishing trust between parties.

It's more than a passing phase.

Sales professionals can gain an advantage in the industry by participating in this session. It will cover strategies for navigating conversations and introduce negotiation styles. Equipped with this knowledge they will feel confident handling any sales situation.

The importance of communication.

Through this experience learners will enhance their listening skills. Refine their questioning techniques. They will improve their comprehension abilities. Become better at asking questions on any topic.

Crafting your dialogue.

Now that participants have the tools they can create an impactful script that can be used in any sales scenario. It’s time for them to sharpen their skills and build a toolkit for success!

Preparing for calls.

Successful conversations start with preparation. This session will explore elements, for phone calls focusing on effective planning beforehand.

Making the most of voicemail and callbacks.

Participants will discover ways to use voice mail technology effectively ensuring they maximise its benefits.

Follow Up Session

In this session attendees will explore approaches to maximise the effectiveness of their calls. Identify untapped opportunities. Participants will gain insights into strategies that will keep them ahead of the game and ensure they don’t miss any details.

Closing the Deal

During this concluding session participants will have the opportunity to learn techniques, for making requests and successfully closing sales. Make sure you don’t miss out on this chance to gain insights into securing that sale!

Course Conclusion

After a day of learning and absorbing knowledge students will have the chance to put their acquired skills into action by asking questions and creating a plan, for their future endeavours.

Learning Outcomes

Customised Training Session For Teams (Included No Charge)

Paramount offers a truly personal learning experience, designing and customizing courses to suit each customer. Our services provide the opportunity for clients to tailor their course – from changes in presentation style or test booklet design – all with absolutely no additional cost!

In-House Customised training benefits:
video-placeholder Personal performance improvement Training Sydney Brisbane Melbourne Perth Adelaide Canberra geelong gold Coast Bondi Surfers Paradise

Creating Content (Contact us for Quotation)

Paramount provides more than just training solutions – our services also extend to custom course assembly. We have a team of professional writers and researchers dedicated to meeting your exact needs, no matter how specialised or unique! Need something specific for your learning materials? Get in touch today so we can help assemble the perfect courses at an affordable price.

freelance2(1) Supervisor Training, Managerial Training, Leadership Skills Training, Brisbane Melbourne Perth Canberra Sydney Adelaide Geelong

Instructor Led 1 on 1 Workshop

Unlock your potential today with one of our professional trainers – the only limit is you! With no need for lengthy waits, pick a convenient date and log on to Zoom. In just four to six hours, an expert will guide you through all steps necessary for achieving success. Get ready: What doors are about to open?

1 Hour Instructor Led Session

Enhance your workplace skills with a one hour Zoom session. Connect with an experienced expert to upgrade and re-invigorate the modules, courses or knowledge needed for career success – perfect even while on break throughout the workday!

Self Directed Online Course

With our flexible courses, you can choose when and how to learn. Receive personalised guidance as you explore the interactive activities, complete assessments at your own convenience, and watch educational videos that bring subjects to life!

What's Included?

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