Offering Feedback to Personnel

Offering Feedback to Personnel

Review; Providing Feedback to Staff

Style and Tone.

The article adopts a relatable tone making it approachable and easy to comprehend. It is evident that the author, Manolo has made an effort to connect with a more relaxed audience. Phrases, like “Looping in on Feedback” and “Now that’s like comprehensive” demonstrate this. However, in a setting a more traditional tone might be preferred.



The article offers advice. It explains the concept of the “feedback sandwich”. Even provides an example of how it can be employed.


The article covers feedback approaches such as 360 reviews, performance evaluations and informal feedback.


The advice provided is clear and actionable. Manolo uses examples that make it easier for readers to grasp the suggestions and apply them effectively.

Positive Emphasis:

The article emphasises the significance of giving credit by highlighting how recognising somonis accomplishments can boost morale and motivation.

Areas for Improvement.

Consistency in Tone.

While the casual tone is engaging it may not resonate with everyone those, in traditional professional environments.

It would be helpful to explore feedback models, in detail specifically mentioning the 360 reviews. This would provide readers with a grasp of how to use them.

In terms of language phrases like “it’s like super comprehensive” might seem informal for some readers. Finding a balance between professional language could make the article more appealing to an audience.

Furthermore, it would be beneficial to provide clarification on the “Feedback Sandwich” concept by discussing its suitable applications and when it may not be as effective.

Overall Manolo’s article on giving feedback to employees offers advice in a relaxed manner. While it may resonate well with readers making adjustments, to the tone and delving deeper into certain feedback models could enhance its universal appeal. Nonetheless the article provides insights and useful tips on an aspect of management. Offering Feedback to Personnel

Growing and Moving Forward

Absolutely delivering feedback is incredibly important, for professional growth. Giving feedback in the way can create an environment of improvement, understanding and mutual respect.

Here are some additional thoughts based on what you’ve shared.

1. Self. Reflection:

It’s crucial to have the mindset before providing feedback. Take a moment to ask yourself whether you’re giving this feedback to help the person grow or simply venting your frustrations. Being self-aware ensures that your feedback is constructive than destructive.

2. Be Specific and Actionable.

Feedback should be focused on behaviours or actions than personal traits. For instance, of saying “You’re always late ” you could say “I’ve noticed that you’ve been late to our three meetings. How can we ensure punctuality moving forward?”

3. Two-way Communication.

Feedback shouldn’t just be about talking; it should also involve listening. Give the person receiving feedback the chance to share their perspective well. This promotes understanding. Allows for a discussion.

4. Regular and Consistent Feedback;

Of waiting for reviews incorporate regular feedback into your ongoing interactions with others. Providing feedback can prevent issues from escalating into significant problems.

These suggestions aim to emphasize that giving effective feedback involves being self-aware, specific, open to dialogue and consistent, in offering input.

Don’t forget to acknowledge and celebrate the positives. It’s important to recognise people for their accomplishments as positive reinforcement can be a motivator for individuals to continue improving.

As you mentioned managers should lead by example. Embrace a growth mindset. This means seeing challenges as opportunities, for learning and personal development. When managers embody this mindset, it can have an influence on the team’s outlook on learning and progress.

Like a range of nutrients in a multi grain sandwich is beneficial for physical health having varied experiences, training and feedback is essential, for professional and personal growth. Managers should prioritise their learning journey while also encouraging a culture of learning within their teams.

In conclusion the journey of growth and improvement is ongoing and ever changing. By nurturing the skills and embracing feedback managers can create an environment where everyone thrives together and moves forward in unison.

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