How do you boost self-esteem?
Struggling with self-esteem can seem like a daunting undertaking, but there are many great methods one could use to elevate their sense of worth and cultivate confidence. Our tips offer an array of strategies that you can draw upon while improving your opinion of yourself!
Consider these steps, based on cognitive behavioural therapy.
Recognise your thoughts and beliefs
Examining the influence of significant experiences on self-worth can be a great way to start developing awareness around your internal dialogue. Paying attention to the thoughts that come up and how you view those situations gives valuable insight into boosting esteem!
Believing in yourself is the first step to taking control of your life, but it’s important to ensure those thoughts are logical and not based on false premises. Evaluate if what you tell yourself would be something that you’d say out loud or advise a friend – then use this as an indicator for developing healthy beliefs about yourself!
Question negative thoughts.
Our preconceived notions can often cloud our judgement. When forming an opinion, it is important to consider the facts and logic at play instead of simply clinging on to long-held beliefs – no matter how convincing they may seem. Reevaluating your stance allows you to identify any potential flaws in reasoning before coming up with a sound conclusion.
Change your thoughts and beliefs
Swap out any negative or inaccurate thoughts with positive, truthful ones. Use these techniques:
Maintaining a positive outlook and treating yourself with kindness should be your go-to approach on the journey of personal growth. Everyone has made mistakes, but keep in mind that these don’t define you as an individual – they are merely part of life’s experiences which give us valuable lessons for improvement. When met with negativity, try to replace such thoughts promptly by being mindful about what is going right and reflecting upon helpful strategies used when problems arise. If not initially successful, there will always be opportunities to revise your plan towards more desirable results! Instead of letting negative opinions consume you, use them as motivation to choose healthier behaviours. Celebrate every step forward and pat yourself on the back for making progress!
Identify potential problems or issues.
By becoming more aware of the situations that cause you to feel less confident, it can help lead your thoughts towards a greater sense of self-assurance. Reflect on why these conditions make you uncertain and take steps to counter them.
Constantly challenge yourself to evaluate any negative ideas you have. Take an objective stance and view these thoughts as nothing more than passing reflections. Develop the mental strength to separate yourself from your own contemplations, allowing for a deeper understanding of their true purpose.
Acknowledge your thoughts
Don’t feel guilty for feeling down. Instead, take the time to recognise why you’re having negative emotions and give yourself permission to process them fully.
Avoid letting negative thoughts shape your reactions and decisions. Reframe their influence to guide yourself more constructively.
Alongside these suggestions, don’t forget that you deserve special care. Make sure to:
- It’s important to prioritise your wellbeing – practice preventative measures like health regulations, exercise at least 30 minutes daily and build a diet rich in wholesome fruits and vegetables. Minimise indulging on sweets, unhealthy snacks or saturated fats for holistic wellness!
- Invest in yourself and your wellbeing by carving out time every day to indulge in activities that bring you fulfilment. Create a catalog of leisurely pursuits from which you can draw, then make sure to dedicate some moments each day for joyous entertainment!
- Spend time with people who bring you joy. Avoid those who are not good to you.
Strategies to boost self-esteem
- Show yourself kindness.
- Don’t compare yourself to others and give it your all.
- To increase your levels of endorphins and happiness hormones like dopamine and serotonin, exercise frequently.
- Establish achievable goals for yourself and track your progress regularly.
- Keep in mind: everyone messes up, so don’t be too hard on yourself when it happens.
- Concentrate on what you can control.
- Set aside some time for your hobbies and the things that make you happy.
- Recognise your successes, no matter the size.
- Make an effort to be a good friend and dedicate quality time to your loved ones.
- Associate yourself with positive, encouraging people.
- Reflect on the instances that deflate your self-esteem and convert them into positive thoughts.
Taking the first steps to increasing self-esteem can initially be difficult, but with practice comes progress. Rather than trying to deny or suppress feelings of low worthiness, it is important to recognise them in order identify where they stem from and work through them. Taking these proactive measures will help you unlock your true value as an individual which serves not only as a practical tool for day-to-day living but also increases levels of confidence and contentment overall.
Francis has a background in Computing, Mathematics and Business Strategy. He contributes to articles and posts in relation to workplace processes, policies and management of teams.