
Health and Wellness at Work Training

What is health and well-being in the workplace? Today workplace health and wellness is … nothing less than healthcare. You find programmes and best practice in workplace wellness on corporate websites…Workplace health and wellness is an important element in employee physical, mental and emotional health — not just the quality of life, but their ability […]

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Emotional Intelligence For Leaders Sydney Brisbane Melbourne Perth Adelaide Canberra

The Cost of Abusive Leadership

Workplace Abuse Abuse can be intentional harmful behaviours directed at employees over a prolonged period of time. This kind of mistreatment negatively affects the targeted individuals work life. It can lead to negative consequences such, as depression, sleep problems and burnout. Employers also bear the brunt of these consequences, including increased absenteeism, higher healthcare costs,

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Causes of Anxiety

The Influence of Social Media, on Anxiety; Unveiling the Factors In todays era anxiety triggers have expanded beyond stressors to include the widespread impact of social media. “The Influence of Social Media on Anxiety; Unveiling the Factors” delves into how the online environment contributes to increased levels of anxiety and stress among individuals. Comparison and

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Why workplace mental health in Australia is important Courses Workshops Tailored Training

Why workplace mental health in Australia is important

Australia needs to take workplace mental health seriously Estimates suggest that almost half of all Australians will experience mental health difficulties at least one during their lives which affects their wellbeing and careers significantly. Additionally, a significant amount of 1 in 5 people has an active mental illness while the others are also vulnerable to

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Workplace Safety Procedures Courses Workshops Tailored Training

Workplace Safety Procedures

What are the safety rules and regulations in the workplace? Ensuring safety is of importance to prevent accidents and injuries. While the specific regulations may vary depending on factors such, as country, industry and job nature the following guidelines are commonly adopted in workplaces; 1. General Safety Precautions; Use protective equipment (PPE) for the task

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