How to manage crisis at work- Sydney Brisbane Melbourne Adelaide Canberra Geelong Parramatta

Crisis Leadership

What is a crisis? Usually an event that creates an interruption or a blockage in an organisation’s normal functioning, a crisis can be upstream, happening in the supply chain, or downstream, affecting the end consumer of products sold by a company. A crisis can affect a company’s sales, both because consumers are focused on more

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Bookkeeping Terminology

Basic Bookkeeping

The 8 Bookkeeping Basics Every Bookkeeper Should Know What is Bookkeeping? Bookkeeping is the process of documenting,  categorising and tabulating a company’s financial transactions. These include purchases, sales, receipts and payments by the company. It can include billing,  the collection of money, payments, payroll and more. This process assures that all the financial transactions of

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Business Communication Skills Sydney Melbourne Brisbane Adelaide Perth Canberra

Become Efficient in Email Communication with Your Customers

Become Efficient in Email Communication with Your Customers Those companies that cannot communicate with their customers with clarity of vision and purpose will lose those customers. Today it is  key to be able to communicate effectively and quickly using the different channels available. It goes without saying that customer service is important. That communication is not

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conducting effective performance - Sydney Brisbane Melbourne Adelaide Canberra Geelong Parramatta

9 Tips for Conducting Effective Performance Reviews

Effective Performance Review Tips Most of us feel that we don’t receive enough constructive feedback on our performance from managers and co-workers. In fact, 65% of employees would like more feedback than they currently get. That’s a lot of employees who don’t feel like they have direction! In addition to feedback, it’s how we perform

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Writing Emails for Impact-Sydney Brisbane Melbourne Perth Adelaide Canberra Geelong

Why Problem Solving Is Key to Business Success

Solving problems is critical at the business level as they could help people identify the problem and solve it in time, make quick decisions, find out the better new ways of doing things and adapt in many ways. If a person has great problem solving or cognitive flexibility skills, then they can serve customers’ needs,

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