Structuring a Sales Pitch

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Structuring a Sales Pitch

Structuring a Sales Pitch

It’s no surprise that many of us recoil at the thought of an aggressive sales pitch. However, when done right, a successful sale depends on creating solutions for customers’ most pressing needs—allowing them to experience true value in what is being offered.

What can you do to make the most out of your sales pitch?

An effective sales pitch is key to connecting with potential customers and demonstrating the value of your product or service. By crafting a compelling presentation that captures their attention, whether in person or virtually, you can create an engaging connection that encourages buyers to take action!

What are the essential elements of a successful sales pitch?

Developing a strong sales pitch can be done easily by following these five steps.

1. Investigate extensively

Creating a successful proposal means doing your due diligence. Investigate the customer to understand their business and what objectives they may have, then get familiar with them as well – who are they? What’s their role in the company? Are there any mutual interests that could positively impact your relationship from the start? Researching this information can certainly help you put together an effective foundation for proposing solutions tailored specifically to meet those needs!

2. Focus on the customer’s needs, not your own.

To ensure customers stay engaged during your sales presentation, focus on the customer instead of yourself. Structure it around how they’ll benefit from your product—whether that’s reducing costs or automating manual labour—to help them gain a better understanding and appreciation for what you have to offer.

3. Select the right channel

To effectively reach your desired customer, it’s important to consider both their needs and industry. For long-standing industries, traditional methods such as a sales phone call may be more successful while tech companies might prefer an outreach message via social media channels. Should you not receive a response along one path, don’t fret – simply try another!

4. Personalise it.

In order to be successful, personalisation is key. Representatives should use automated tools and follow a basic pitch structure; however the overall approach must change depending on who they are delivering their appeal to (e.g., social media vs email). Furthermore, specific customer pain points need to be addressed in language that resonates with them – meaning healthcare industry professionals will require different solutions than those in manufacturing.

5. Ask the buyer to take action

Ensure that your presentation is completed with an area of focus; what result are you looking for from the buyer? Set up a call to action by providing clear, definitive steps. Instead of inquiring “What do you think?” allow them know exactly how they can move forward and view our examples in the following section as additional inspiration.

What should be included in a sales pitch?

With an understanding of sales pitches under your belt, let’s move on to their contents. Every effective pitch requires three integral components – no matter which platform it is used for!


To secure buyer attention, it’s essential to craft an effective hook that resonates. From the first line of your cold call to a well-crafted subject in an email – make sure you get their initial interest!


Give your buyers a reason to respond positively with an impactful value proposition that highlights the advantages of your product. Provide a succinct but persuasive explanation after catching their attention with a captivating hook.


To close the conversation, provide a clear and actionable CTA. This could be something as simple as asking for their next steps or availability – so your buyer can move one step closer towards making an informed purchase decision.

What causes a sales pitch to be unsuccessful?

Before connecting with a customer, it is essential to review your pitch for any potential tactics that can limit its effectiveness. Avoid common pitfalls like being overly aggressive or talking at length about yourself – instead focus on the value you are providing and create an open dialogue.

  • Avoid talking about yourself in your sales pitch as there is limited space: “I” statements won’t help.
  • People who say “elevator pitch” often mean it litreally – you don’t have a whole hour to deliver your value proposition. A great sales pitch should be able to be summed up in the time it takes an elevator ride from the lobby to the second floor.
  • When it comes to product pricing, bringing up the buyer’s wallet or money in general on the first interaction can make them avoid you as it shows you are unconcerned about their journey.
  • During prospecting, buyers aren’t ready to go in-depth into product details or review a lengthy presentation, so complicated explanations of features should be avoided.
  • Asking too personal of questions like “How was your weekend?” without having met the prospect beforehand will seem alarming.
  • Avoid generic pitches: if a pitch could be used by any prospect, then it’s likely not tailored enough to pique the attention of prospects.
  • Refrain from making false promises: Avoid giving buyers impossible expectations. Let the strength of your product speak for itself and be improvest in what it can actually do.

Learn how to give a successful pitch

Selling is a real challenge, even for the most experienced inside sales reps. However, it doesn’t have to be as daunting – armed with determination and preparation any professional can achieve success in their pitches. Preparing ahead of time helps give you the confidence needed when engaging customers over your chosen channel – here’s how!

  • Before you deliver your pitch, practice it live; even if it may feel weird to practice reciting the pitch aloud in front of your roommate (or pet). Live practice.
  • Retain buyer records easy to access. As a rule, the majority of pitches will be remote via phone calls, social media messages, or emails. Maximise the fact that your customer isn’t there in person by retaining your account access within reach during these exchanges. Think of these notes as a safety blanket. Of course you could give the pitch without them, but in case your worries impede you, you’ll be able to recuperate swiftly and inconspicuously.
  • Be knowledgeable about what needs to be done immediately after. Avoid an awkward situation when a customer decides affirmatively to your point of view. It is particularly important to know what the next step should be in face-to-face interactions. In some instances, it may just involve inquiring when you can arrange for a demonstration. Customers can sometimes want to chat with you while they’ve got you; so prepare yourself to ask questions thoroughly. Make sure you have a prepared sales document or discovery call sheet on hand which can provide direction should there be a requirement for more information.

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