Research has proven that combining visuals and words together delivers an incredibly effective way for people to engage with, comprehend, and retain information.
Communicating to a apprehensive audience?
Try presenting an descriptive photo within your slides. Looking for support from your supervisors or management? Use images that relate to your audience. Visuals can be powerful impact statements that convey a variety of unspoken messages without the need to explain the details.
HR today take on many different projects and there are new ways of approaching these challenges within that space. HR is in huge change these days, within organisations. There is a lot of room for innovation in presenting as an individual as well as in the development space. Being able to identify opportunities for changing environments.
Train in so far as you become increasingly comfortable with the sensation of speaking in public, and the more that you do that you become more comfortable in the sense that you feel fine about it. It’s like it’s almost like building a tolerance to pain.
Using tools to think outside of the box.
Working memory, this doesn’t sound very sexy. Crossword Puzzle exercises, brainstorming etc. These things actually help you train your brain to be more active and connecting so that’s an extremely important aspect. Being able to find patterns, which again, make it more easy for you to create change because you detect those patterns which have your emotional intelligence for and you understand the people and changes around you.
Making buy in easy
If someone has an idea, it’s really difficult for them to sometimes get multiple levels of bureaucracy to buy in or invest in any funding whatsoever. You can practice to create an environment and remove barriers within your presentation. Just get rid of some of that red tape and make it easier for someone has an idea for them to explore.
Thinking about how do we get a bit of play? It’s something that innovative organisations encourage audience members to take timeout to really enjoy the experience of innovation within your presentation.
Check the data
A lot of leaders have problems with too much data and they don’t know what to measure and how to measure it. They will admit to making changes without even understanding what these metrics are. What role can the state of play in decision making? If you believe your data, and you understand it, then your data obviously should help you help you drive decisions.
The best way of handling data, is to use it by chugging it through some sort of model could be your capacity plan, your budget plan. Build a calculation, get insights from that calculation, and figure out what the benefits are, one path for the other. So data has to inform your decision making.
How do you know that it’s accurate. It’s intuition. Intuition is important. You need to be able to check your data to see if it makes sense.
Say for example, call handling times in a contact centre is saying it is taking 6 mins per call. The easiest thing you can do is listening on an agent and see if it takes six minutes. If it takes three minutes and you’ll listen to a few more and see that they are taking less time. You actually do some checking, and then using your intuition to double check the data. You know internally if it is correct or not.
You always have to understand both what the data means and what’s you know, doesn’t seem right. Look for differences and test different data to come up with new ideas and processes. We’ve have to also look over time. Go back in time and see what it looks like and take volume data and forecast it. Go ahead and look at the forecast, but compare it to what happened before. It doesn’t seem to make sense to you that it likely isn’t right.
There is a difference between how you slice the data up. Median versus average, things like that, the way you’re looking at it is also going to color your assumptions and your final decisions.
Presenting your ideas
Craft a story and you use your PowerPoint or your presentation. Introduce it with the problem first and show how you are going to fix it. For example “here’s our business problem and here’s the solution”. And here’s what we think would happen with the new solution. You could also have several ideas where you then say “solution two looks like this and here’s what’s going to happen if we did this” Be prepared for tough questions because people are smart, but they do react a well prepared presentation. You can take workplace presentations to the next level with a selection of templates, animations and video clips.
When giving a corporate presentation on climate change, let the tone of your visuals and soundtrack emphasise gravity over enthusiasm to convey respect more accurately for this important issue.
Make sure to consider the intended emotion your presentation is meant to evoke. Do you want viewers doubling over in laughter? Choked up and moved emotionally? Ready for serious action-taking afterwards? Keeping a strong focus on this sentiment will help guide your overall design choices, bringing out the best video outcome possible.
David Alssema is a Body Language Expert and Motivational Speaker. As a performer in the personal development industry in Australia he has introduced and created new ways to inspire, motivate and develop individuals.
David Alssema started his training career with companies such as Telstra and Optus Communications, and then developed Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) within workplace training as principal of Paramount Training & Development.
As an author/media consultant on body language and professional development David has influenced workplaces across Australia. He contributes to Media such as The West Australian, ABC Radio, Australian Magazines and other Australia Media Sources.